Monday, October 11, 2010


Why do we as humans always want more? We're stuck in this cycle of constantly wanting the newest, the bigger, the best. We forget to be thankful for everything we have and how much it means to us. I am guilty of this phenomena. We want people to read our minds and say exactly the right thing. In reality, they can't read our minds and they're saying something so wonderful but we can't take it at face value. We analyze. We nitpick. We criticize. Why? This makes no sense. I say that it's time we start appreciating what we have and loving the people in our lives for the people they are. Let's stop trying to fix them. Let's love them. God has given show much for us. He loves us so much and we are nothing but continual sinners committing the same offenses over and over again. Why are we searching for more than that amazing, incredible love as if God's love is not enough. It is enough! God's love is sufficient! It is more than enough, it covers all our dirty, despicable sin and saves us! How amazing. What an amazing and truly overwhelming love.

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