Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thoughts on Love

I am definitely a romantic. I am a person that is in love with love. I am a fan of all that is romance. However, when I am in a relationship, I tend to be very realistic. I consider very carefully before I begin dating anyone. It is not, and cannot be all about love, romance, or a feeling. Yes, I think this plays a part in a romantic relationship, but if that is all that is there, the relationship will be very shallow and will not last long. Like it or not, that feeling fizzles and what’s left is friendship, an understanding of who someone is that we take for face value. True love is not about romance at all. True love is about completely understanding a person and still wanting to pursue a romantic relationship with that person. It is about loving everything, even the flaws, and the things that are not easy to love. Love becomes a choice, after awhile it is not a feeling.

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