Friday, August 13, 2010


Are we destined to choose between our dreams and love? Every time I feel like I have balance in my life and I really am the person God has designed me to be, I meet a guy, fall in love, and I change. I become a different person. I mold to them. Is that normal? I blend myself into "their type" or the person they're looking for. That woman is not me, she's a person that wants to be loved so much that she'll change into anything to keep the man, just so that she's not living a life alone and loveless. It seems so hopeless. To take a quote from a movie I recently saw, "I allow myself to be miserable with a person, so that I can be happy that I have them." It doesn't make much sense. Does it? So my question is, how do I ever find love? Am i forced to live a life that makes me choose between love and happiness. I don't think it should be like that. Love should equal happiness. I guess I just have to find me and my life and love will fit in it somewhere, and add an unspeakable happiness. Is that right? I hope it is. I am a hopeless romantic and i want to find that love. that love that is so powerful that it creates a feeling inside of you that is complete and true happiness. It is completely and truly me. I don't want to have to change for love, I want it to find me and fit me perfectly. It all just seems so hopeless right now.

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