Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Tonight, it’s raining. I love the rain. It puts me at a sudden ease, a peace wraps around my body and I feel safe in the sound. Is that normal? Is that right? Some people run at the first sign of a rain cloud. Sometimes a downpour can be scary. Rain is not always safe and comforting. Sometimes it storms and everything falls out of place and the rain comes down so hard that you can’t hear anything else. Storms seem to shift things and clear the air. But the sound, it’s just so soothing. And there’s lightning. Lightning strikes and can severely injury and kill. It always comes with the rain. Floods can cause major devastation and so many things can be lost forever, all because of rain. So, is rain like love? Love can be so soothing and feel so good, just like beautiful drops of rain, falling on warm skin on a summer’s night. But when those drops hit you, there’s no going back. You can’t make them go away. Eventually they will evaporate or soak right into your skin. I think that love is the same. Once you feel it you can’t easily get rid of it. Sometimes love fades and other times it totally overtakes you, seeping into your life, every part of it. And sometimes there are storms and love can turn on us and the ones we love can hurt us deeply, sometimes beyond repair. Does that mean we shouldn’t play in the rain to begin with? I don’t think so. Because the sound of rain is something that is so peaceful; it can bring so much comfort. I guess there are those that run away from the storms of love because they are scared to get a little wet. But I wouldn’t be one to run. I want to experience as much of that rain as I can. I want to stomp in the puddles and I want to be completely soaked in those beautiful rain drops. Floods can be heart wrenching. When we give our love away like its nothing, it can damage many hearts. Rain is something to be delighted in and to be used to replenish the earth, to complete a perfect cycle. It is not to be thrown around like something that doesn’t matter. A beautiful and gentle rain can bring so much peace. Go play in the puddles and dance in the storms, because if we don’t, then what’s the point? We miss out on so much joy and complete happiness. Storms might hurt, but if you’re not willing to feel life for all that it is then it’s not worth living! Feel everything, taste every drop, and never run away from the rain.

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