Saturday, August 7, 2010

How do you go on?

When everything you thought was true turns out ot be a lie, how do you move past that? When you plan a life and dream of a future with someone ans they leave you, when do you begin to dream again? My heart is heavy tonight. I guess I'm in a place that is difficult to move on from. I thought I had love. I thought I had found my husband, the man God was leading me to date and eventually marry. Everything felt perfect. It was like a fairytale. He did all the right things and convinced me that he was the one. We had long talks about the future, our future. He told me how much he loved me. He made me feel beautiful and loved. Then we spent three months apart and our entire relationship crumbled. Turns out he had changed for me. He became what I wanted him to be, what I needed him to be. It was a game to him. He wanted to win my affection, my love, my devotion, my everything. He managed to get it, but along the way he changed himself to get me. While we were apart, he became himself again and he wasn't that guy I had fallen in love with. He was different and I didn't like it. Eight days later, he was back together with his ex from back home. What does that mean? How do I move on from that. I put my everything in his hands and he threw it right back in my face. All my hopes and dreams for my future were crushed. So now, I am beginning to dream for myself. I am figuring out me and my goals for life and how I want to live it. I am also figuring out the kind of man I want to be with, even though I won't be with one for a long while, I can't bear to put myself through that again. I am more guarded now than i have ever been in my entire life. I have betrayed and lied to and crushed. I am deciding to rely on my God with everything in me. He is in control. He has me in his hands, in his grip. He loves me and has the absolute best plan for me. Now for the hard part, I have to learn to trust him.

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